Mumbai: Bollywood actor Sharad Kelkar has recited a poem titled Badlaav, meaning change, on the ongoing coronavirus lockdown. He said that the poem talks about facing the problem, the determination to stand up again, fighting the war and winning it.
Sharad told IANS: "The one thing I consider is that if I can relate to the poem or any writing and if I have the same feeling which is in the poem so I'd love to recite and read them. Both the poems I have recited have very in-depth meaning and in today's difficult times we all need this kind of little motivation and stay safe and positive."
The actor, who is an accomplished dubbing artist, has in the past lent his rich voice to Prabhas' starring role in the dubbed Hindi version of the Baahubali series. He took to Instagram, where he shared a glimpse of the poem, which has been penned by Rohit Kumar Chandwaskar.
Previously, Sharad had recited another poem and shared it on the photo-sharing website.
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