Mumbai: Actor Sharad Kelkar has an interesting slate of Bollywood work lined up including Laxmmi Bomb and Bhuj: The Pride Of India. Opening up about sharing screen space with the co-actors in films, Sharad also talked about the equation he shares with actors Akshay Kumar, Ajay Devgn and Sanjay Dutt.
"Working with all the actors in both the films it feels nice because I worked with them earlier also. Mr. Dutt and I have major sequences in Bhuj: The Pride Of India. I worked with him in Bhoomi, there is great chemistry between us... He treats as his younger brother...," Sharad told IANS.
"With Ajay sir it feels like family and the Akshay sir I worked with him in Housefull 4. If you work with people whom you know or worked with before then you are more comfortable with them and because I am much younger than them they treat me very nicely. They have been very kind with me," he added.
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