Mumbai:Bollywood actor Shahid Kapoor's upcoming film 'Jersey' will now release on April 14. The film was earlier scheduled to hit the screens on December 31, last year. However, the film was postponed after civil restrictions were re-imposed due to fears over the Omicron variant. A tweet from the film's producer Dil Raju Productions read: "#Jersey releasing in cinemas worldwide on April 14th, 2022."
'Jersey' tells the story of a middle-aged cricketer, who gets back into the game for the love of his son. In addition to Shahid, the film, which is directed by Gowtam Tinnanuri, also stars Mrunal Thakur. The sports drama is a remake of a 2019 Telugu film of the same name. It stars Nani, Shraddha Srinath, Harish Kalyan, Sanusha, Sathyaraj, Sampath Raj and Viswant Duddumpudi.