Hyderabad: After bagging a film with Taapsee Pannu, Scam 1992 star Pratik Gandhi is all set to romance another leading lady from Bollywood. The actor has reportedly signed the dotted lines for an upcoming slice-of-life drama that will feature him opposite powerhouse talent, Vidya Balan.
Pratik and Vidya are being roped in to headline Ellipsis Entertainment's upcoming venture which is a tale of two couples. While Pratik and Vidya are onboard, the makers are yet to find actors for another leading pair.
Helmed by Shirsha Guha Thaurta, who is a known name in the advertising world, the upcoming film will be challenging social patriarchy through a relatable story. The film will mark Shirisha's directorial debut after her stint as assistant director for films like Rann, Phoonk, and Contract, all directed by Ram Gopal Varma.