New Delhi: Actor Sara Ali Khan is back with her hilarious Knock Knock jokes, but this time not with brother Ibrahim, but with actor Vicky Kaushal! Ahead of the release of the first song from her upcoming movie Atrangi Re, Sara Ali Khan tried to promote it in the most creative way possible!
Taking to her Instagram handle, she shared a video featuring herself with Vicky Kaushal where they can be spotted sitting in a vanity while announcing her new song Chaka Chak from Atrangi Re.
In the video, Sara began with the signature words, "Knock-knock?" Vicky asked, "Who's there?" She replied, "Hey Chak!". Vicky then asked, "Hey Chak, who?" Then Sara begins singing the song Chaka Chak, capturing Vicky who could be seen grooving to it.
The Kedarnath star also captioned the post with special poetry in her style. "Sara knocks, @vickykaushal09 rocks, Time to set your clocks, Chakachak tomorrow- out of the box," her caption read.