Hyderabad:Actor Sara Ali Khan took to social media to remember her Kedarnath co-star Sushant Singh Rajputon his first death anniversary on Monday. The actor shared a throwback picture on Instagram and penned down a tribute for SSR but the netizens are trolling her as according to them she is faking her emotions.
On Monday, Sara shared a throwback photograph on Instagram where poses with Sushant in a swimming pool. "Whenever I needed help, advice or a laugh you were always there. You introduced me to the world of acting, made me believe that dreams could come true, and gave me all that I have today. Still can't believe you're gone. But every time I look at the stars, the rising sun or the moon I know you're here. From Kedarnath to Andromeda," the actress wrote.
Soon after Sara shared the post, the actor was attacked by several users who opined that her feelings for SSR are not genuine. Some even asked her to stop faking on social media.