Mumbai:Actor Sanjana Sanghi, who bonded with late Sushant Singh Rajput over food and academics while shooting for Dil Bechara, said that she still has the "kindest note about what the colliding of academia and cinema means," which she received from Sushant.
Looking back at the first meeting over a script reading session, Sanjana said: "We both, nerds, had read the script down to its last word respectively, and both our copies looked like they were tattered old novels that had aged over years, with post-it marks, and added notes - the works. I was a bundle of nerves. Mukesh asked me to just relax and we all jumped right in."
Sanjana revealed how food was a huge mutual topic of love for them, in addition to academia.
"Mukesh, him and I -- all helpless foodies. We ordered a lavish spread. Looked at the dining table, yet we decided to take to the floor, spread our meal on a mat, and started gorging. He mocked me for how much food I could eat, but the food was a huge mutual love for us in addition to academia," she said.
The actor added: "This lunch, most oddly, was marked with my father sending me a text saying we got a letter home telling us I had become a Gold Medalist at Delhi University. Sushant, Mukesh and the whole team were ecstatic to hear this news too - and what followed was champagne (that we never got the chance to open and celebrate with) and the kindest note from him about what the colliding of academia and cinema means even to him and the value it holds, which I still have tucked firmly in my drawer."