Mumbai: Salman Khan recently took up the trending Bottle Cap Challenge giving a message on water conversation to his fans. However, it caught the ire of a section of netizens who started trolling the actor questioning his religious belief.
Taking to his Instagram on Sunday, the 'Dabangg' actor shared a video showing his own way to kick the cap off the bottle. In the video, Salman is seen shirtless in a gym, all geared up to kick the cap off the bottle.
Just before kicking the cap, Salman stops and approaches the already loosened bottle cap and blows it off. The star then takes the bottle from his helper's hand, and drinks the water, and ends the video by saying "Paani bachao (Save Water)".
The video begins with Salman folding his hands as if he is praying (as in temples), then raising the hands for prayer (as in Namaz) while ending it with a Holy Cross gesture.
READ| Salman takes up #BottleCapChallenge with a twist
While the majority of fans lauded his act, a few trolled the Bhaijaan for supporting multiple religious beliefs.