Mumbai: Bollywood actor Salman Khan on Tuesday created a stir after a video of him snatching a mobile phone from the hands of a Goa airport staffer who tried to click a selfie with the actor went viral.
The students' wing of Congress, National Students' Union of India (NSUI), has urged Goa Chief Minister Pramod Sawant to ban Khan from entering Goa if he does not apologise publicly.
Goa BJP General Secretary and former MP Narendra Sawaikar has also slammed Khan for his "deplorable" behaviour and has demanded an unconditional apology.
The incident occurred when Khan, who is in Goa to shoot for an upcoming film, landed at the Goa International Airport in Dabolim on Tuesday morning.
In the video, an Airport Authority of India (AAI) official could be seen walking ahead of Khan near the departure gate and taking photos with the actor walking in the backdrop. After a few seconds, the irritated actor could be seen snatching his phone and walking towards an awaiting car.