Mumbai: Amid the tough times of lockdown, many B-town celebrities extended their support to their workers, Salman Khan too kept his promise. He has deposited money into the accounts of his film Radhe's crew members, who were scheduled to work between March 26 to April 2.
Film's makeup artiste Subhash Kapoor confirmed the same. He said, “What a great thing to do. I thank Salman sir from the bottom of my heart. Times are so tough.”
Salman has also pledged to donate for 25,000 daily wage artistes of the Federation of Western India Cine Employees (FWICE), whose livelihood has been severely affected owing to the lockdown amid the coronavirus outbreak, revealed its president, BN Tiwari.
Tiwari told another news portal that Salman called for a list of most affected workers along with their account numbers, where he would directly be transferring the amount.