Mumbai: Actor-singer Zara Khan, who has worked in films like Aurangzeb and Desi Kattey, received rape threats on Instagram. In her complaint to Oshiwara police station, Zara said that she received rape threats from an unknown person between October 28 and November 3.
Following the complaint, the police informed the cyber department and took help from the Instagram team to track down the user on the basis of the local IP address. During the investigation, the police have traced the accused who is a 23-year-old female MBA student from Hyderabad, a leading webloid reported.
Identified as Noorah Saravar, the accused who had created a fake profile on Instagram made unusual claims of Zara and her co-workers from a political party targeting her. Police later found out that Noorah is mentally unstable but her motive behind the rape threats is not known yet.