Mumbai: Bollywood actor Salman Khan is setting a goal for all fitness freaks. He is seen sharing his fitness anecdotes and giving a sneak peak into his family life. He has opted for the digital platforms to give a glimpse into his personal life.
Earlier, the actor used his social media platforms to keep in touch with his followers on his professional projects.
This initiative started when he pulled off a stunt to wish his nephew Yohan, the son of his brother Sohail Khan, last week.
Since then, the star is seen giving frequent updates of his workouts to stay flexible and fit. The videos also highlight how his security team helps in his fitness regime.
Recently he had uploaded a video which inspired people all over. The video showed him doing a perfect back flip into a pool.
The 'Bharat' actor also shared an adorable video with his nephew Ahil, pretending that Ahil is lifting him up. Salman is seen saying "Ahil is real strong. He is carrying his...". Then he realizes that Ahil is picking his nose. And he laughs and says, "Ahil is real strong. He is carrying his mamu with his finger in his nose.”