Mumbai: Veteran actor Saira Banu, admitted to the Intensive Care Unit of a hospital here, has been diagnosed with a heart problem and doctors are keen on an angiogram procedure but she has refused permission, a hospital doctor said on Thursday. The 77-year-old Padosan actor, who lost her husband Dilip Kumar in July, was admitted to the Hinduja Hospital, a non-COVID-19 facility, in Khar on August 28 following breathlessness, high blood pressure and high sugar. Yesterday, her cardiac tests happened and she has been diagnosed with the acute coronary syndrome, a Hinduja Hospital doctor told a newswire.
Doctors suggested a CAG (coronary angiogram), but Saira Banu has refused to undergo the medical procedure, the doctor said. "Once she gives her consent, doctors can perform an angiography." According to the doctor who is attending on her, Saira Banu is also battling depression after Dilip Kumar's death. "She doesn't sleep much. She wants to go home," said the doctor. The actor might be discharged from the ICU and moved to a room soon.