Hyderabad: Veteran Bollywood actor, Saira Banu who suffered from a heart problem called ischemia, has been admitted to Hinduja Hospital for treatment but is said to be stable now. Saira Banu, 77, - the widow of legendary actor, the late Yusuf Khan alias Dilip Kumar - was rushed to the ICU of the hospital in Khar, later last month. According to eminent cardiologist Dr Nitin S. Gokhale who is attending on her, the left ventricle in her heart had stopped functioning and led to ingress of water in her heart and lungs.
According to a leading daily report, the yesteryear actor was shifted out of the ICU a couple of days back. The actor will probably get discharged in a day or two if there are no further issues. Earlier reports suggested that the senior actor is not letting doctors perform angiography and is also battling depression after the demise of her husband, legendary actor Dilip Kumar. But Dr Nitin Gokhale has denied the reports and told the daily that the angiography, will be done at a later date after her diabetes comes under control.