Mumbai: Actor Saif Ali Khan revealed how the director Nitin Kakkar wanted to make his upcoming film Jawaani Jaaneman with Saif and Sara Ali Khan, but the former had convinced her daughter to opt for Ranveer Singh starrer Simmba and Varun Dhawan starrer Coolie No. 1.
Earlier in an interview with a renowned media outlet, when asked about the discussion of bringing the real father-daughter duo on screen, Saif said, "Yes, what happened was, Kedarnath was almost shelved. And Sara didn't have any other movie. So, this film was around and being a good daddy, I was like, would you like to do this?. And she was like 'yes'."
"Then Kedarnath was on track and Simmba fell into place and then I said 'Listen, Sara, don't do this movie. Please tell us if you rather not, why are you doing this. This is a back-up for you. I would love to do this with somebody else but you should be working with Ranveer Singh and Varun Dhawan.' So she said 'Ok. Thank you, I would like to do that'," he continued.
Saif added, "That was quite simple. I would not want her to really work with me because if she really wanted to include in the script or something, but it gets complicated with family also. So, it has to be something she really wants to do."