Mumbai:The makers of Sadak 2 have dropped the official trailer on Wednesday which boasts space for an emotional roller-coaster ride. The Mahesh Bhatt directorial stars Alia Bhatt, Aditya Roy Kapoor, Sanjay Dutt in pivotal roles. The film marks Mahesh's return to direction after 21 years.
In the trailer, we are introduced to the primary characters of the movie played by Sanjay, Alia and Aditya. Pooja Bhatt’s character is presumably dead as we see Dutt’s Ravi interacting with her portrait multiple times. The storyline seems to be about revenge upon a godman played by the talented Makarand Deshpande, who almost looks unrecognisable in his new avatar.
From the looks of it, Alia, Sanjay and Aditya together form a team to beat their common nemesis. While Sanjay is reprising his role as a taxi driver from the original 1991 release, Alia and Aditya are presented as lovers who require his services for a period of time.
The Sadak 2 trailer came amid reports of Sanjay Dutt being diagnosed for lung cancer.