Mumbai: Filmmaker Ashutosh Gowariker has mourned the death of actor Rajiv Kapoor, saying it is heartbreaking that he won't be there to witness the praise coming his way for his swansong "Toolsidas Junior".
Rajiv Kapoor, son of celebrated filmmaker-actor Raj Kapoor, died on Tuesday due to a heart attack. He was 58.
The actor made his debut with 1983 film "Ek Jaan Hain Hum", but his first appearance as a leading man was in blockbuster "Ram Teri Ganga Maili" (1985), which was Raj Kapoor's last directorial venture.
He went on to feature in films like "Aasmaan", "Lover Boy", "Zabardast", "Hum To Chale Pardes". "Zimmedar", released in 1990, was his last film as a hero.
With Gowariker and Bhushan Kumar-backed "Toolsidas Junior", Rajiv Kapoor was set to return to the screen after 30 years.
Gowariker said he was a fan of Rajiv Kapoor since his acting debut and got the opportunity to collaborate with him for the upcoming sports drama, where he was an "absolute professional."