Hyderabad:S.S. Rajamouli magnum opus 'RRR', featuring actors Ram Charan and Jr NTR in the lead, has shattered records at the box office to emerge as India's biggest blockbuster. Released in around 11,000 theaters in 5 languages worldwide, the film grossed a whopping Rs 257 crore on its opening day thus overtaking 'Baahubali 2'.
Along with its premieres in the USA, it crossed the $5 million mark on its opening day. Rs 120.19 were collected in Telangana and Andhra Pradesh states only. 'RRR' also broke the $4.59 million 'Baahubali 2' record in the US. Trade analysts say the entire worldwide gross has also set a new record. Overseas record Rs 78.25 crore gross achieved.
'RRR' grossed over Rs 166 crore on the first day across the country. Bahubali 2 collections on the first day across the country was Rs 152 crore. On the first day, Andhra Pradesh and Telangana together collected more than Rs 120 crore, according to trade sources. 16.48 crore in Karnataka, Rs. 12.73 crores in Tamil Nadu, and Rs. 4.36 crore in Kerala. In other parts of India, it collected nearly Rs 25 crore. Overseas, it earned another Rs 78 crore. With this, it is learned that RRR has collected a total of Rs 257 crore on the first day. RRR became the first Indian film to receive this milestone!