Mumbai: Filmmaker Rohit Shetty's film, the Akshay Kumar-starrer Sooryavashi, talks of terror strikes and Hindu-Muslim harmony. The filmmaker asks people to stay calm in the face of communal tension in the wake of the ongoing unrest in Delhi, urging fans not to spread panic and rumours without adequate knowledge of ground realities.
"What is happening in Delhi or the country is a serious issue. There is a whole bunch of people talking about it. I think at this moment the best thing would be to keep calm. Our officials and the government and the people are working on it in Delhi, said Shetty, at the trailer launch of his forthcoming action thriller Sooryavanshi in Mumbai on Monday.
The filmmaker added: "We're here in Mumbai at a trailer launch having a good time, and to talk about those suffering in Delhi would be the easiest thing to do. Right now, the best thing is to keep quiet and calm. Everyone is talking and that is only increasing chaos. Keep calm, people are working out the situation. We have no idea about the ground realities. None of us knows what it feels like to be in riots or in situation like that. It's horrible and devastating. We shouldn't indulge in such talks right now."