Mumbai: Actor Abhishek Bachchan on Sunday shared another set of anecdotes as a part of his #RoadTo20 series, as he remembered working in Manmarziyaan with Aanand L Rai, Taapsee Pannu and Vicky Kaushal in the 2018 romantic-drama.
The Bluffmaster actor put out a video on Instagram wherein he remembered the memories attached with the flick and penned his experiences with the team in brief.
He started his note, "I didn't have a release in 2017. 2018 saw the coming together of @anuragkashyap10 @aanandlrai @taapsee @vickykaushal09 @kanika.d and @itsamittrivedi I've written so much about my experiences of working on Manmarziyaan ( if you scroll back on my feed you can read it) a young energetic unit who gave it their all."
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