Hyderabad: Bollywood actor Riteish Deshmukh took a hilarious did on his wife and actor Genelia Deshmukh's driving skills in the latest video. The actor shared a funny video on Instagram which also features his sons Riaan Deshmukh and Rahyl Deshmukh. On Sunday, Riteish, who is known for sharing hilarious videos on Instagram, dropped the video which has left many celebs in splits.
The reel featuring Riteish and his sons begins with the kids standing near the window and staring outside. After that, a clip of a car banging into another car can be seen, followed by his sons screaming in Marathi, "Baba Aai Aali." (Dad! Mom has arrived!) Riteish who is busy with Rubik's Cube gets disappointed when his sons tell him that "Mom took your car" while 'Chan se jo tute koi sapna', a line from Om Shanti Om song 'Jag Soona Soona Lage' plays in the background.