Mumbai:On late actor Rishi Kapoor's 68th birth anniversary on Friday, his daughter Riddhima Kapoor Sahni penned an emotional note and said she misses him every day.
In an Instagram post, Riddhima said her father gave her the gift of "compassion" and taught her to value relationships.
"Papa, They say when you lose someone, you can't live without - your heart will badly break! But I know you are living in this broken heart & will be there forever! I know you are watching over all of us & ensuring that we live by the value system you instilled in us!" she wrote alongside a series of throwback pictures of Rishi Kapoor with the family - including her, mother Neetu and brother Ranbir.
"You gave me the gift of compassion -taught me the value of relationships & made me the person I am today! I miss you each day & will always love you! Celebrating you today & always - Happy Birthday," Riddhima added.