Mumbai:Actor Richa Chadha's name was in headlines after Payal Ghosh named her in the accusations of sexual assault against Anurag Kashyap. Following which, Richa took the legal route and filed a defamation case against Ghosh. Unlike other Bollywood divas who supported Kashyap, the Masaan actor said she is advised to have a 'cautious' approach in talking about the filmmaker.
After Payal accused Anurag of sexual misconduct, several celebrities from the industry have come forward to support the filmmaker, saying #MeToo movement should not be misused. Actors like Taapsee Pannu, Tisca Chopra, Surveen Chawla, Radhika Apte were among the celebrities who came forward to support Kashyap.
Richa, who has worked with Kashyap in Gangs of Wasseypur and Masaan for which he was a producer, said that she had very limited Interaction with the Dev D helmer and can count on numbers how many times she met him in the past decade.
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