Mumbai: Actor Richa Chadha is utilising her lockdown time as she has taken to script writing. She says it all started with penning down a few thoughts and that just soon became an interesting idea.
"It all started with penning down a few thoughts and that just soon became an interesting idea. Soon enough, it started looking like a concept I would like to develop. It's a comedy, my favourite genre. The premise is hilarious," Richa said.
She added that she wants to write something and focus on why people should prioritise.
Richa Chadha tries her hand at scriptwriting amid lockdown
The lockdown seems to have helped Richa Chadha explore her creative side. The actor is penning a story and revealing more about her newly developed interest, Richa said the premise in which it is set, is hilarious.
Richa Chadha tries her hand at scriptwriting amid lockdown
"The fact that all our lives have come to a screeching halt has made me contemplate the fragility of human existence. I want to write something that focuses on why people should prioritize what's necessary. Too often we are all so busy chasing things, that we forget to spare a thought for ourselves and what really matters to us," she said.
With inputs from IANS