Hyderabad: Bollywood actor Richa Chadha has climbed the ladder on merits and versatility as an actor. The actor who is the poster girl of indie cinema said that being outsider chances of getting replaced is a little higher than the ones who are born in the industry.
Richa in her latest interview has spoken about her upcoming film Madam Chief Minister, wedding plans and outsider versus insider scene in Bollywood. While speaking to a leading daily, Richa spoke about her journey in the film industry as an outsider.
WATCH |Richa Chadha gives tight hug to Ali Fazal as he sees her off at airport
When asked how easy or difficult has her journey been, Richa said, "It was difficult and it still is. Sometimes we just get replaced at the last minute by someone who is a bigger star or someone who comes in because of a recommendation. However, things are getting better. It is amazing to see actors like Rajkummar Rao or even Ali Fazal reach where they are. I am not saying this just because he is my partner,"
She further added, "When he started doing web series, people told him not to do it, and look at how the world has opened up for him. The fact that actors like Ali Fazal and Dimple Kapadia are doing Hollywood films, is really heartening. It doesn’t matter what family you belong to. You might take time to reach where you want to but you will definitely get there if you are talented."
Richa also spoke about her impending wedding with Ali and said this year hopefully they will be able to tie the knot and celebrate the moment with their loved ones.