Mumbai: Actor Rhea Chakraborty has revealed to Enforcement Directorate (ED) how the late actor Sushant Singh Rajput paid for EMI's for a flat in Malad which is occupied by the actor Ankita Lokhande.
The reports further said that nearly Rs 4.5 crores was paid by the late actor for the flat in Malad where Ankita Lokhande resides.
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Apparently, it has now come to light that not just Rhea Rhea Chakraborty, but even Ankita Lokhande will be questioned by the Enforcement Directorate in connection to the late actor's finances.
The ED was reportedly looking into the Rs 15 crores matter which was siphoned off from the late actor's bank account. In this matter, the ED had reportedly questioned Rhea Chakraborty. Now, with the latest news update, in the Sushant Singh Rajput case, the actor Ankita Lokhande will also be grilled by the ED.