Mumbai: Amid the ongoing investigation into the Sushant Singh Rajput death case, actor Rhea Chakraborty's lawyer Satish Maneshinde on Sunday said that she is ready for arrest as it is a witch-hunt.
"Rhea Chakraborty is ready for arrest as this is a witch-hunt. If loving someone is a crime she will face the consequences of her love. Being innocent, she has not approached any court for an anticipatory bail in all the cases foisted by Bihar Police with CBI, ED, and NCB," Maneshinde said in a statement.
Chakraborty was summoned by Narcotics Control Bureau (NCB) on Sunday morning to join the investigation of the Sushant Singh Rajput death case.
On August 19, the Supreme Court had asked the CBI to investigate the case related to the actor's death, while holding that the FIR registered in Patna was legitimate. The agency has registered an FIR against Chakraborty and others in connection with the actor's death after the Centre accepted the Bihar government's recommendation to transfer the probe in the matter from Patna.