Mumbai: Actor Rhea Chakraborty on Thursday requested the cybercrime cell to look into rape and murder threats she has been receiving ever since the death of close friend, actor Sushant Singh Rajput.
Rajput, 34, was found dead in his Bandra apartment on June 14, leaving people in the film industry and audiences beyond shocked.
Chakraborty, in particular, was subjected to online hate with users blaming her for Rajput's suicide.
The 28-year-old actor eventually disabled the comments section of her Instagram page.
Sharing a screenshot of a hate message she received on Instagram, Chakraborty said while she had ignored many abusive texts sent to her in the past month, the harassment was now unbearable.
"I was called a gold digger. kept quiet I was called a murderer. I kept quiet, I was slut-shamed, I kept quiet.
READ |Rhea's post for Sushant Singh Rajput receives backlash on social media