Hyderabad: Kangana Ranaut is known for not mincing her words and so is filmmaker Ram Gopal Varma. The Satya helmer has opened up on how he processed Kangana calling his then frequent collaborator Urmila Matondkar a soft porn star in a TV interview.
Last September, during an interview with a news channel, Kangana touched upon an interview given by Urmila, where the latter questioned the former's motives and accusations against the alleged Bollywood 'drug-mafia'. Reacting to it, Kangana said Urmila is "making a mockery" of her struggles, and called her a "soft porn star".
In his latest interview with an entertainment portal, RGV was asked if Kangana's 'soft porn star' barb at Urmilait bothered him, to which he said, "The whole point of social media is that people express their opinions, sometimes use languages that can be offensive but that’s the whole point of freedom of speech. In the context of my personal feeling about Urmila, about her performance, I appreciated her versatility."