Hyderabad: Bollywood stars Hrithik Roshan and Saif Ali Khan will feature in the Hindi remake of the 2017 Tamil superhit film Vikram Vedha. Talking about playing a 'good guy' in the film, Saif said it will be a refreshing change for him to portray the idealistic cop and make it a fun part to play in the film.
The original starred R. Madhavan as righteous police officer Vikram while Vijay Sethupathi played the gangster Vedha. In the Hindi remake, Hrithik will play the gangster while Saif essays the cop. In chitchat with a webloid, Saif talked about his upcoming films Vikram Vedha and Adipurush. Talking about his role in Vikram Vedha, Saif stated, "I will play an idealistic cop, so I will have to find a way to make him fun. But it will be a refreshing change to portray the good guy."