Hyderabad: Bollywood actor Shamita Shetty and model-actor Raqesh Bapat's chemistry was one of the highlights of Bigg Boss OTT maiden season which aired for 42 days starting from August 8. While Raqesh got eliminated on finale night, Shamita got her ticket to the Bigg Boss 15 house being the second runner-up of the show.
Before Shamita gets into the latest season of Bigg Boss, Raqesh took her out for a dinner date on Friday. The couple was seen outside a restaurant in Mumbai flaunting broad smiles and holding hands each other's hands. Raqesh and Shamita's date night created a media frenzy as paps were more than happy to click Bigg Boss OTT's cute pair out on a date for the first time after grabbing maximum eyeballs on the show.