Mumbai: A song that actor Ranvir Shorey wrote in 2015 for his then four-year-old son Haroon is all set to see light of day as a Children's Day special this year. Titled Upar neeche, the track will see Ranvir collaborating with musicians Ankur Tewari and Sidd Coutto on the music video.
While Ranvir play a lift man in the catchy number, Ankur and Sidd have sung and produced it. Ranvir's brother-in-law, musician Abhijit Lahiri, pitched in to help the actor compose the song.
The video has been shot in an elevator at Apple Studios in Naigaon and it features Ranvir, Ankur and Sidd.
In the video, Ranvir as the lift man starts off yet another routine day, but then becomes determined to have fun, as various people get in and out of the lift. The video has been conceptualised and directed by Shaizad Bharucha.