Mumbai: Actor Ranveer Singh has said that he is taking tips on time management from his wife, actor Deepika Padukone, because she is a master at managing her work and personal life.
"Nowadays, being the busy career man that I am, it's a true luxury to do something you want to. I am not blaming anyone or cribbing about it. I love everything that I do and I love my job, but I am working towards maintaining a balance. When you talk about efficient time management, I am closely following the footsteps of my very beautiful wife (Deepika Padukone) who is really a master at time management. I am taking tips from her and getting better at it," said Ranveer Singh, while interacting with the media when he was announced as a brand ambassador of the international watch brand Franck Muller on Saturday in Mumbai.
Asked how his relationship with time has changed over the years, he said: "My relationship with time as a concept has been different in different phases of my life. Sometimes time would move so excruciatingly slow that it would be unbearable. Then there are times where I consciously choose to waste time and that can be quite nice as well."
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