Mumbai (Maharashtra): Actor Ranveer Singh leaves no chance to flaunt his love for his wife Deepika Padukone on social media. His comment on Deepika's recent Instagram picture is proof of the fact. On Sunday, Deepika posted two pictures of herself and asked her followers to help her chose a look for her.
In the first image, she wore a black cap that covered her eyes and tied up her hair. The second one showed her with loose hair and no cap. "Cap...Or no cap," she captioned the post. Ranveer was quick to comment on Deepika's post. He called her a "certified hawty".
"Shawty is a Certified Hawty No Capppp," he commented. Isn't it adorable? His comment garnered several likes and reactions. Most fans agreed with Ranveer and suggested Deepika to go for a "no cap" look. "How cute. You both impart couple goals," a fan wrote.