Mumbai:Actor Ranveer Singh on Monday flaunted his new hairstyle made by beloved wife Deepika Padukone.
"Hair by: @deepikapadukone," wrote the 35-year-old actor on Instagram as he shared his picture in the new hair-do on Instagram.
The Ramleela actor said that the hairstyle is identical to Japanese actor Toshiro Mifune from his 1961 samurai film Yojimbo (bodyguard), and confessed that he liked the hairstyle and asked his fans if they liked it too.
He added, "Very Mifune in 'Yojimbo'.I like it. What do you think?"
In the capture, the Gunday star is seen giving a side pose as his hair is seen tied in a small messy bun while some of his hair fall down on his nape.