Mumbai (Maharashtra): Bollywood actor Ranveer Singh revealed while dancing with contestant Divyansh Varma on Lungi Dance that he was trying to impress Deepika Padukone while shooting for this track. He was interacting with the contestant in the show The Big Picture, hosted by Ranveer.
During the weekend episode, danced with Divyansh on Lungi Dance song from his wife Deepika Padukone and superstar Shah Rukh Khan's 2013 released film Chennai Express. Ranveer revealed that he was trying to impress Deepika when she was shooting for this song. Ranveer said: "During the shoot of this song, I was on the sets as I was trying to woo Deepika.
In the episode, Divyansh will be answering the questions asked by Ranveer and also they will be having conversation about their fathers. As Divyansh opens up to Ranveer about how his father has supported him in his struggles, the host also reveals how his father has deeply contributed to his success. Divyansh also told Ranveer that he is the first person from his village to become a Civil Engineer. He hails from Uttar Pradesh.