Mumbai: Bollywood star Ranveer Singh turned 35 on Monday. To mark the occasion his fans have donated computers to a school, supporting education for underprivileged children in a village of Indore district.
The actor's fan club, called Ranveer Ka Fan Club, has been active since 2015 and the members do voluntary work.
Atharva Khendekar, a fan of Ranveer's said: "As you know, Ranveer Ka Fan Club is always on spot to help the unprivileged people and children. And this time we are trying to help the rural children who are not privileged to afford high-class education. For some of them basic education is also a dream. We as a proud member of Ranveer Ka Fan Club are planning to provide two basic computer system and some indoor games to those angles."
Each year, they do something on the actor's birthday and recently they started a program called Ranveer Gram Program.
Khendekar added: "Imagine the amount of enthusiasm and excitement in these children to attend their school when they receive the computers!"