Mumbai: Deepika Padukone who will be seen sharing the screen space with husband Ranveer Singh in the upcoming film 83, says they don't bring their personal equation to sets.
Deepika will be seen in a special appearance in Kabir Khan's 83. The film will see her essay the role of Romi Dev, wife to cricketing legend Kapil Dev, to be played by her real-life husband Ranveer Singh.
Deepika, who has featured with Ranveer in three films; Ram-Leela, Bajirao Mastani and Padmaavat, said they don't bring their personal equation to sets.
"If you see Ranveer and I on set, we are very different than what we are otherwise. We may not even sometimes drive together because we are in different head space. It's not on purpose. There's no expectation of behaving like husband and wife or boyfriend and girlfriend when you're working.
"On 83, I'm not thinking whether he's my husband as there's so much to think about in that moment, the scenes, the lines. Your mind is occupied and you're performing like your character and all those things come into play," she added.