Hyderabad: Production houses Zee Studios and Emmay Entertainment have come together for actor Rani Mukerji's next feature film, Mrs Chatterjee vs Norway. Billed as an untold story about a journey of a mother's battle against an entire country, the movie will be directed by Ashima Chibber, known for Mere Dad Ki Maruti.
Mukerji, who turned 42 on Sunday, said the announcement has made her birthday special. The actor said Mrs Chatterjee vs Norway is one of the most "significant films" of her career spanning 25 years. She made her debut with the 1996 drama Raja Ki Aayegi Baraat.
"I started my career with Raja Ki Aayegi Baraat, which was a woman-centric film, and coincidentally in my 25th year, I'm announcing a film that is also centered around a woman's resolve to fight against all odds and take on a country.