Mumbai: Actor Rani Mukerji, who is gearing up for the release of her upcoming film Mardaani 2, met the special night patrol police team who protects the city day in and day out. She salutes the entire police force of the country for giving protection to the citizens.
Rani, who met the special all-women night patrol team, said: "Strict vigilance can prevent a lot of crimes and I salute the entire police force of our country for protecting us day and night without blinking even for a single second. I can't imagine a society without them. Their daily sacrifices and unwavering sense of duty help us live peacefully and I want to do my small bit to highlight the incredible work being done by our police force."
The Night patrol force has challenging work hours as they pull off a 12-hour long shift every single day from 8 p.m. to 8 a.m.
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"I met an extremely specialised police unit, the night patrol team to see their work to protect the citizens at night. I was amazed seeing them at work. The amount of work they do, so that our families sleep peacefully and make commuters at odd hours feel protected is incredible. It has been an eye-opening exercise for me and I thank the Maharashtra police wholeheartedly for educating me on this," she added.