Hyderabad: The members of the Kapoor family paid Randhir Kapoor a visit on his 74th birthday on Sunday night. Soon after the videos and pictures of the birthday bash went viral on social media, netizens trolled them for 'having a party', days after Rajiv Kapoor's death. Randhir, however, has said that it was a solemn affair and there was no celebration.
Speaking to a webloid, Randhir has said that there was no celebration and the family is yet to come to terms with Rajiv's demise.
WATCH |Ranbir-Alia, Saif-Kareena join family for Randhir Kapoor's birthday celebration
"It was a small meet-up. A solemn affair. There was no celebration. We are missing my younger brother Rajiv. He passed away last week due to a heart attack. It was a shocking, sudden death. We are yet to come to terms with it," said Randhir.
Rajiv passed away in Mumbai at the age of 58. He was the youngest of late legend Raj Kapoor's three sons, and the younger brother of Randhir and late Rishi Kapoor.