Hyderabad: 'RRR' actor Ram Charan has surprised the fans of both the Mega actors - Chiranjeevi and Pawan Kalyan - by releasing a 'phenomenal' video on Thursday. Pawan Kalyan and Chiranjeevi had met on the sets of their upcoming movies respectively when the BTS (between-the-shots) video was taken. Pawan Kalyan and his 'Bheemla Nayak' team had visited the sets of Chiranjeevi's upcoming movie 'Godfather'.
As Chiranjeevi sports the look of a prisoner for 'Godfather', he is seen posing with Pawan Kalyan, who is dressed up in a contrasting cop attire. Ram Charan who shared the memorable video from the sets of 'Godfather' and 'Bheemla Nayak', wrote, "#GODFATHER and #BHEEMLANAYAK visit each other's film sets! #BheemlaNayakOn25thFeb". The video has left the fans amused, to see Tollywood's mega heroes share delightful moments on the sets of their respective movies. The video ends with a caption saying all the best to 'Bheemla Nayak' from the team 'Godfather'.