Mumbai (Maharashtra): Actor Ram Charan says he doesn't believe in asking filmmakers to make a film keeping him in mind as projects often fall apart if the process of making them is not organic. Charan, known for hits like Chirutha, Magadheera and Racha, had famously made his Hindi debut with the 2013 film Zanjeer, which was a remake of Amitabh Bachchan's classic 1973 movie of the same name. The Apoorva Lakhia-directorial was not received well and Charan never returned to Hindi films.
When asked about his absence from Bollywood, Charan said that he prefers to wait for makers to approach him, rather than asking them to design a project for him.
"The way I look at it, actors don't choose directors. Directors do. I cannot call up a director and say, 'Come let's do a movie together'. That never works. The maker has to envision us in his stories.
"If I come into a project organically after a character has been written, it has more impact than me saying, 'Let's make a love story, let's make a James Bond style film,'" the 36-year-old actor said.
Charan believes that whenever actors try to get a project tailored for them, the end result is disastrous.
"If you start writing something because the actor has asked you to, it goes haywire, it is all over the place. Now with social media presence and (OTT), everything is seamless, people's work is being recognised. Directors have the opportunity to pen down something thinking of us, but they need to come," he added.
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