Hyderabad (Telangana): Actor Rakul Preet Singh and her actor-producer boyfriend Jackky Bahganani were spotted at the Mumbai airport on Saturday morning. The lovebirds back then did not reveal where are they headed to but their latest social media feed revealed that the two are vacationing together in the Maldives.
On Sunday morning, Rakul took to her Instagram handle to share few pictures and videos from her romantic holiday with Jackky. Though the actor has posted only solo pictures, Jackky dropped reel from the holiday paradise around the same time confirmed that the couple is unwinding at Bollywood celebrities favorite holiday destination.
Sharing a picture from her Maldives holiday, Rakul wrote, "We dream in colours borrowed from the sea 💕." In another picture, the actor is seen donning beachwear and flaunting her beautiful smile. "Smile away !! It’s free therapy💕💕 #islandlife 🏝." she wrote alongside the image.