Mumbai (Maharashtra): Actor Rakul Preet Singh has started work on her next movie, titled Chhatriwali. The film is a social comedy, being directed by filmmaker Tejas Prabha Vijay Deoskar, best known for Marathi features like Bucket List and Ajinkya.
Singh took to her Instagram Stories and posted a short video in which she is travelling in her car. She wrote, Day One alongside the clip. On Thursday, the actor and the director performed a ceremony at the film's set in Lucknow. "And it begins. Team Chhatri..." she wrote.
Rakul Preet's lineup of films indicates that the actor is trying to push her boundaries and hunting varied roles. In Chhatriwali, she will be essaying the role of a condom tester. The film aims at destigmatising the use of condoms. To put across the message, the makers are trying to strike a balance by adding the right amount of humour to the bold subject.