Mumbai: Bollywood star Rakhi Sawant on Friday expressed anger and over Hyderabad rape and murder case. In connection to the same, the actor put her view on the table regarding the encounter of the four accused of the ghastly rape and murder incident.
While many people were happy about the encounter of rape accused by the Hyderabad police, some people also raised their voice against it.
Appreciating the daredevil act by the cops, Rakhi Sawant paid her salute to policemen.
Rakhi Sawant opens up about Hyderabad encounter Interacting with the media at an event of Mudda 370 J & K, a film directed by Rakhi's brother Rakesh Sawant, the controversy queen of Bollywood opened up about the issue.
Known for her outspoken statements, the actor said that she felt bad as people are speaking against the encounter of the gang-rape accused.
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Rakhi said that people carry out candle march, cry out slogans 'hang the rapist' and demand capital punishment for the rape accused. But in this case, when the accused were encountered, some of them are opposing it which, she feels, is wrong.
In other news, Rakhi had earlier put out a reaction video on the Hyderabad gang-rape and murder case. In the video, a visibly angered Rakhi cried out to seeking severe punishment for the guilty.