Mumbai: Director Hansal Mehta's Omerta, featuring Rajkummar Rao, will premiere on ZEE5 on July 25, the streaming platform announced on Wednesday. The 2017 critically-acclaimed movie is based on the life of British-born Pakistani terrorist Omar Saeed Sheikh, played by Rao.
Rao said Omar was one of the most challenging characters he has ever played on screen.
"I could never have imagined that playing this part would mentally take me to such dark places. It's a journey of one of the most deadliest terrorists of our times and Hansal sir pushed me out of my boundaries to explore," the actor said in a statement.
"It is great that ZEE5 will premiere this film digitally, which the world will be able to see," he added.
Mehta said he is looking forward to the digital premiere of the film.
"This is a film I'm very proud of. And as the film had predicted then Omar Sheikh with all his complicity in some of this century's most heinous acts of terror is on his way to an acquittal by Pakistan's apex court.