Mumbai: The makers of the upcoming film 'Turram Khan' have announced its release date on Saturday. The film starring Bollywood's go-to actor Rajkummar Rao and Nushrat Bharucha will hit the big screens on January 31, 2020.
The film is directed by Hansal Mehta.
After 'City Lights' 'Shahid' and 'Omerta' Mehta and Rao are going to collaborate yet again for the much-awaited movie.
Announcing the film's release date on Rajkummar's birthday, Mehta wrote on Twitter: "Special people, a special film and a special day. Here's wishing our very own Rajkummar a very happy birthday and a special surprise. Our next film together 'Turram Khan' will release on January 31, 2020."
Rajkummar who reposted the director's tweet said that he is "so excited".
He further wrote: "Thank you so much sir. So excited for our next collaboration together. Nushrat, get set go."
Produced by ADFFilms and Luv Films, 'Turram Khan' is presented by T-Series.