Mumbai: Actor Rajkummar Rao on Saturday dropped a soft melody from his upcoming film 'Ludo.'
The 36-year-old star posted the song on Twitter and noted, "I'm very glad to announce tht#Ludo's latest song #MeriTumHo is out now. Tune in:"
The two-minute-fifty-three second song features the star cast and the sweet-cherished moments between them. The song starts from a shot that captures Rajkummar Rao lovingly staring at Fatima Sana Sheikh, while the other shot shows Abhishek Bachchan taking a little girl to a fair while he makes her sit on his shoulders.
With the many scenes showed in the song, one is captured between Pankaj Tripathi who is admitted to a hospital, while a nurse takes care of him. The song also catches a glimpse of Aditya Roy Kapoor as he observes Sanya Malhotra who is practising in a dance class. The cute chemistry between the cast members and their different characters is aptly chronicled in the sweet melody 'Meri Tum Ho'.