Mumbai: Actors Rajkummar Rao, Radhika Apte and Huma Qureshi are set to star in filmmaker Vasan Bala's upcoming film, "Monica, O My Darling", the streamer announced on Wednesday. Production on the Netflix movie, which marks Bala's third feature directorial, is currently underway. He previously helmed the unreleased Peddlers and the 2018 action-comedy Mard Ko Dard Nahi Hota.
The official account of Netflix India shared a teaser from the making of the film on Twitter. "Lights, camera, action! 'Monica, O My Darling' is now filming," the tweet read. Bala, who recently directed the short Spotlight in the Ray anthology from Netflix, reunites with the streamer for the film. "Monica, O My Darling, coming to @netflix_in!" the acclaimed filmmaker wrote on Instagram.
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